What is Acupuncture?

 It's a different way of thinking

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a medical system designed over 3,000 years ago. Ancient Chinese practitioners used the scientific method, which was based on observations, to theorize how qi, (or life's energetic flow) works. They were acutely aware of nature and its effects on the body.

TCM practitioners observed that the body and health were impacted by both internal factors, such as emotions and organ function, as well as external factors, like seasonal shifts. Nutritional and seasonal lifestyle suggestions are at the core of TCM to support your health vitality and to live in harmony with natural rhythms.
The ancient Chinese sages noticed correlations between body regions, internal organ systems, and external points on the limbs and the body. They determined that the energetic nature of the body has a flow, and that everything is connected. They were describing and mapping out the acupuncture channel system. 

It is a different way of thinking.

For example, in addition to the physical body structures we see and feel, there is flowing energy that permeates everything. It works like a hologram in the body. Everything going on internally can be accessed at the body surface, primarily at the limbs. This mapping works at multiple scales. There are many microsystems that can be accessed on the body that represent and affect the whole body.

Our goal with acupuncture is to use needles to move stagnation and create balance. One of the tenants of TCM is:

"where there is stagnation, there is pain and dysfunction."

The primary function of acupuncture treatments is to improve the flow of qi in the body so it works more efficiently, free of stagnation. This is health.

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